Ching Ching Ching goes the Money Tree!

Ching, Ching, Ching goes the money treeeeeee!
And every time it ching, money comes to me!
It all flows in so ABUNDANTLY!
From the top, left, right, and up under me!
Wave, wave, wave, I’m a money wave!
Money flow, money flow, money MADE!
Flowing in and out, PLUS money saved!
Debt, debt, debt, all debt is PAID!

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Money Makin’ March, you believe it? Are you ready to receive it?

March 2021 is considered an “8” month, and today is also the 8th day of the month.
The most common message of the angel number “8” is that you are coming upon significant financial abundance. So, if you needed a sign to step into your power, this is it, and a great day to do so.

Though, it’s always a great day to claim your power and manifest some coinsss! But yall knew that, right?

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Whether you believe in numerology or not, I wanted to share an important perspective about money. I believe when it comes to manifesting the life we deserve, it's important to think about our relationship with money. Is the relationship amazing, is it flourishing, is it a little toxic, does it need some healing?

What’s your relationship with money? (There’s no wrong answer here, whatever you believe, is what you believe)

Do you believe that you have to work hard to receive it?
Do you believe that becoming a millionaire is a left-field thought?
Do you believe that you have to save just in case something terrible happens, which prohibits you from actually having money to spend for leisure?
Do you believe that you have just enough, and it’s natural to live check-to-check?

Like I said, this isn’t a trick question lol, your belief is your belief. But, I do want to offer the perspective that you can not obtain anything outside of your belief.

Allow me to share a new perspective –

Abundance is your birthright.
Everything you spend comes back to you tenfold.
Money loves you.
Money wants you, just as much as you want it.
Money is attracted to you. Money likes your style. Money wants to be all up in ya face, honey.
Money is simply one of your good good girlfriends. Y’all get along so well.
You deserve to receive money, easily and effortlessly.

There is nothing you have to do to get the attention of Money.
Money finds you. Always. All ways.

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"Money likes me. Money is attracted to me. There is an infinite amount of abundance waiting for me."

(oh and tweet it, too!)

If you believe that you must work 50+ hours a week to provide a life for yourself – I would be willing to bet that you are currently doing so.

If you believe in the law of least effort, and you believe that you can both work and play, easily and effortlessly, and abundance flows to you – I would also be willing to bet that you are currently doing so.

If you believe that everything I’m saying is just not realistic – that’s okay too. Just go look up your favorite “millionaire” or “billionaire” and read about their intentional decision to change their mindset. Or even look at anyone who is living a life that’s easy, breezy, and beautiful to them! Can I offer that maybe, just maybe, they believed that it was possible? The proof is in the pudding mamas!

So, it’s less about what I’m sharing with you.
And more about what you’re willing to see about your own relationship with money.

Here’s a gentle reminder: You are the co-creator of your life. If you want to change the script – you can do it. At any time.

So how you about to act? 🤑💸💰
Is it a Money Makin’ March, or nah?

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Below is a short guided meditation with money mantras and affirmations, I’ll be sharing more abundance affirmations via social media, so make sure you’re following us ova’ thereeee!

Sending you all my love.